
#rmdo Johnny Depp, Tonto and The Lone Ranger, and Rick Van Wechel #humor #inspiration

#rmdo My friend Pablo's Story #inspiration

#rmdo Michigan: Weird #fringe #alternateuniverse #humor

#rmdo National Christian Homeschool Basketball Championship Regional Tournament

#rmdo Ouch-Y-Wa-Wa #humor

#rmdo Thread of Faith, ALL of God!! #wisdompoet

#rmdo LIFE and GRACE #communion #wisdompoet

#rmdo Mike and Mary; #walterbishop and #asterid #fringe #geekhumor

#rmdo The Road To Your Store #humor

#rmdo Warrior Princess #wisdompoet

#rmdo Little Miss #strawberryshortcake #humor

#rmdc Cats Understand #Physics #humor

#rmdo Snow vs #globalwarming #humor

#rmdo My name and these words #humor

#rmdo MR FABULOUS #humor

#rmdo Like Mother, Like Daughter #humor

#rmdo Why nickname revMADDOG stuck #humor

#rmdo A Birthday Everyday #geekhumor #klout

#rmdo Barring #Fringe Anomolies #geekhumor

#rmdo Garlic: Breakfast of Champions!! #humor

#rmdo Run Screaming Through #walmart #humor

#rmdc Deserving of Hell #dralberta #sovereignty #CEPC

#rmdo Desperate For #GRACE #wisdompoet

#rmdo your soul is always rejoicing #wisdompoet

#rmdo TOO MUCH #fringe !! #geekhumor #fringescience

#rmdo In So Many Ways #humor

#rmdo My 65th Birthday #facebook #apps #spam #geekhumor

#rmdo Getting My Bearings #humor

#rmdo Mary Is Training Me #humor

#rmdo No THANK YOU!! #humor

#rmdo Candyman, Corpses, and #fringe #humor

#rmdo Heart Attack Snow #humor

#rmdo #TGFTLL Socks #humor

#rmdo #coding and #education

#rmdo #mcdonalds WHY WASNT I CALLED??!! #humor

#rmdo Ketchup and Kisses #humor

#rmdo Life Giving Hell Fire Quenching GRACE! #prayer #wisdompoet

#rmdo Drawing a Box Around #God #humor #romance

#rmdo Further Observations About #Fringe #geekhumor

#rmdo #fringe: weirder and weirder #humor

#rmdc SETTLED! #dralberta

#rmdo #homeschooling, #salvation, #grace #wisdompoet

#rmdo Fairness vs Generosity #wisdompoet

#rmdc The AGONY of being a Shepherd #dralberta

#rmdc The Answer is.. #dralberta

#rmdo The NAMES OF GOD!! #wisdompoet

#rmdo HOME in South Lyon, Michigan #humor

#rmdo Essential Skill #humor

#rmdo Creator, Creation, Me #wisdompoet

#rmdo A RICH MAN!! #wisdompoet

#rmdo Sir #Apple vs #evil #samsung #dragons #applevssamsung

#rmdo #coffee Truck #humor

#rmdo Lacking Motivation #humor #winterstormo

#rmdo #joyjohns Business Idea #humor

#rmdo Switching Up #crackerbarrel Restrooms #humor

#rmdo #michiganuniversity vs #ohiostate

#rmdo NORTH to ATLANTA #humor

#rmdo BIG MAC.. one thing thou lackest #humor #mcdonalds

#rmdo Driving Through Florida #humor


#rmdo Competitive #humor

#rmdo Winter is Depressing #humor

#rmdo Make Shopping FUN!! #humor

#rmdo Little Tiny Fairy Feet #humor

#rmdo WHAT!? #humor

#rmdo Being Raised in #garyin #humor

#rmdo Powerful, Tweetable,Poetic Quotes #wisodmpoet

#rmdo Buster the #poodle Steals the Car #humor

#rmdo The Fearless #vampire Killers #humor

#rmdo #voicesinmyhead SPEAK UP!! #humor

#rmdo Fueling Up To Fight #Terrorists #humor

#rmdo #meteor TOO CLOSE!! #humor

#rmdo #mayorbloomberg's birthday party #humor

#rmdo #retina display #stevejobs hocum #humor

#rmdo Barbecue Sauce and Laundry #humor

#rmdo Chaotic World #wisdompoet

#rmdo #vertuti New $10000 phone #humor

#rmdo Being Good: IT'S HARD!! #humor

#rmdo #timmcgraw #valentinesday

#rmdo #brucewillis aka #johnmcclane #diehard #ducttape #humor

#rmdo BIG CHANGES!! #weather #humor

#rmdo Dressing like a Floridian #humor

#rmdo #tree vs #woman #wisdompoet

#rmdo Mustard's Last Stand #humor

#rmdo Florida in February with Mary #humor

#rmdo #philosophy vs #god #wisdompoet

#rmdo #sharkattacks, #brevard county, and #findingnemo #humor

#rmdo Normal and Relative #humor

#rmdo New Shoes #humor

#rmdo Mango #girlscoutcookies #humor

#rmdo WHATEVER #humor

#rmdo A Declaration: EVERYTHING CHANGES! #wisdompoet

#rmdo #weatherchannel #entertainment in #florida finding #nemo #humor

#rmdo Caffeinated Sarcastic Blood Suckers #humor

#rmdo Still Looking for Sponge Bob #humor