#rmdo Powerful, Tweetable,Poetic Quotes #wisodmpoet

I had always shortened my sermons, never preaching more than 30 minutes and often preaching just 10 minutes, but after I became a member of  Twitter, I let the editor personality in me run  wild, editing a single thought until it was less than 140 characters, even better if it was under 100 characters.
What resulted was the thought often became powerful, quotable, poetic, and, of course, tweetable.
Several of my friends have made similar discoveries, such as Eugene Wiesner, Asad Rafi, and my brothers Tim Dittmer and Ted Dittmer.
Many of my short quotes are humorous, but most of the serious meditations I have placed, for your enjoyment, on a blog called http://myshepherdsheartjournal.blogspot.com/ #rmdo
