Google Satellite Photo's of Japan Earthquake before & after

The builders of our society have been short sighted when they, or should I say we ignored God, or related Him to a lower level than the quest for knowledge and ever higher levels of success.
We have been in collective agreement with our ancestors Adam and Eve when we fail to trust Him, to obey Him in the simplest of laws, and when we run from His fellowship.
We are uneasy about trusting the God who obviously made us so vulnerable to a sudden change in environment, and gave us a body that so easily dies. We turn our trust to technology, rather than God's guidance and protection.
Our bitterness over our vulnerability is so deep that when God sends His Son to reveal the way to live in this shell of weakness, we turn against our possible Savior in every way, but in our rejection God reveals that He was right all along. His Strength indeed is made perfect in our weakness.
Am I suggesting we turn our backs on technology? No, for there is no going back on that which is already revealed.
I am suggesting that we no longer turn our backs on God.
The Japanese earthquakes reveal one certain thing. We need God more than ever!
Lord Jesus, aid the rescue efforts going on in Japan, Comfort the grieving. Find the lost. Help the authorities mange the danger of the nuclear plants quickly. Forgive us all for neglecting You as our source of life and guidance.
