Am I bragging? Remember, I have been widowed twice, locked down n a subsidized senior apartment, unable to enjoy basic social needs such as attending a worship service on a regular basis, and I've been told I'm delusional because not only did I vote for Trump three times, I am convinced that God has spoken to me in one word proclamations and lately a forward that's 1 2 3 4 words. It's. All. Set. Up. And it is highly coincidental that my first job in Colorado springs for 2 years or more was a setup man. And my last manufacturing responsibility in a factory that many will verify I was a key part in setting up its design even though my position was lowly was as a master operator which is just a glorified way of saying I get to set things up and then run a machine at the same time. meanwhile and again usually verified by dozens of Facebook friends I pastored a white church building visible by a large gaggle of travelers on US 6 between walkerton and US 31 a series of events that can be verified again by dozens or if not hundreds of living witnesses that can still be reached on Facebook a series of small miracles quiet miracles of people praying or asking me to pray for rain or the reverse which is to not rain during events and again the witnesses abound in the final spectacular though I was not there it can be verified The lady and people that know about this are in my current Sunday school class that is led by probably a millionaire real estate mogul? By the name of Jim Masterson. I could go on with more evidence easily verifiable here in this community but I think I've made my point. Is my bragging premature? And while I'm on the subject, am I not the most awesome piano player and group arranger that you have ever met again I have multiple witnesses that will attest to that. Would you go ahead and cry and moan and weep and say oh my pity me because I've been a Republican and we can't trust the Democrats as far as you can throw them yada yada yada yada. God is doing a great work right now and it's not for America it's for his beloved people of Israel and the Christians the true Christians who love them. REMEMBER OCTOBER 7TH That is all for now. Later Gators. MAD DOG
