I'm excited to announce the coming birth of a new City Nation, Gaza. 

Now for the disclaimers. I am not a prophet nor a scholar I have no doctorate of expertise I am simply a bi-vocational retired pastor, musician, factory worker, and international blogger with a reach of possibly 150 countries or more including China Russia India Bangladesh Pakistan Uzbekistan many European countries etc etc yada yada yada. I have had many quiet but spectacular in a quiet way answers to prayer that are very well documented. Read my book THE RAIN PARABLES available on Amazon along with 15 other books. The most spectacular answer to my prayers was my decade and a half or maybe two decades prayer for a president that had a biblical understanding of finances for a nation. I am also a legendary bully fighter and fearless hard worker so that at the place I worked I was nicknamed MAD DOG.

These are my credentials kind of like David when he stood before King Saul and told him the story of how he defeated a bear and a lion. I have also received what I call MEMOS FROM MANAGEMENT, which deserves an entire blog or maybe even a book but suffice it to say my last and possibly final memo had four words. IT'S. ALL. SET. UP. 

Now I'm just a Pathfinder. I see the almost inevitable and exciting possibility of a brand new nation state. 

Do not despise small beginnings. May I repeat that? Do not despise small beginnings.

That's enough for now. Later Gators
