All glory goes to God. I say that to remind myself that sometimes I do amazing things, but it is only because I am created in the image of God, and I sense He is working in me now.
War is here. Thankfully, it's not all out war. It's obvious from watching the news. Also, Christ said so in His Word. There shall be wars and rumors of wars. DON'T PANIC! I'm paraphrasing the KJV, "See that ye be not troubled!"
Putin has made his move. Xi is next. There is a 90% probability he will move against Taiwan before he retires in 5 years. My spidey sense says Xi will make some sort of move against Taiwan in the next 21 days. The probabilities of that are also 90%.
All of this must happen because the Gospel must be openly preached in China, the stronghold of the Dragon in Revelations. The jaguar (USA?) will be stripped of it's wings. The new world power will rise and it will not be a huge country but a tiny one. God will confound the ancient with the newborn country, less than a century old. The massive size, population, and resources of the BRICS God will confront not with the diminishing role of last centuries super power, the USA, but with the small size nation of... Israel!
Stay tuned. More to follow.
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