This Gospel Must Be Preached To ALL Nations

The phrase "This gospel must be preached to all nations, then shall the end come," has been ringing in my mind lately. I suspect that the Spirit is nudging me to meditate on that.

Mary is sleeping soundly in the bedroom. When she stirs around, she will call out "Daddy!?" rather than my name. Rather than correct her, I have from time to time promted her with "You know I'm your husband, right?" As long as I am gentle in my prompting, she responds with  "Of course!!" It is so easy for me to be irritating to a woman. Sigh. Keep the grace pouring down, Lord!

Observations and questions about preaching the gospel:

If we want God's Kingdom to be established on earth as it is heaven (remember the Lord's prayer?) then we must preach the gospel... everywhere!

Don't let the sounds of warfare drown out the peace of God in our hearts and stop us from continuing to preach the Gospel. Press on!! God is with us, so none can stand against us! 

More to come on this post. Stay tuned.
