I erred when I did not explain this more. This is a photo of my first wife. We were married in 1968. She passed away in 2008. When I remarried in 2010, my 2nd wife Mary was the picture of health, but in 2014 she had a prolonged hospital stay and started showing signs of advanced Alzheimer's dementia. I suspect that the devil has beset my family even as far back as my father, who had childhood polio. Every relative named William Michael has died, my father, my son, my grandson, and we almost lost our youngest daughter in a near fatal crash. Her mother heard the sirens and immediately went to intercede on her behalf, and Wendy has fully recovered. But God's grace is greater than Satan's afflictions, and I feel honored that both women chose me, for they were, are, and forever will be shining stars. I appreciate your prayers for my family and Mary's family also. There is no need to apologize.
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