Why Good People Go To Hell

 Why Good People Go to Hell

My purpose in writing this book is NOT to condemn good people, nor does God now condemn anyone. My purpose is to warn good people: Don't rely on your goodness to get you to heaven, for our goodness is not dependable. 


There is a destructive dangerous myth. If you believe this myth, your destination is Hell.

The myth is: A good God will not send good people to Hell.

(The problem is not in doing good. We need more people doing good. We have too many people doing bad, causing great destruction on innocent lives.

The problem comes not in doing good, but in relying on that goodness to get into heaven.)

Because many people believe this myth, A good God will not send good people to Hell, because they are destined to spend Eternity separated from God, beauty, rest, friends and in Infinite pain and regret, God did an INTERVENTION!!

The INTERVENTION was God sending His only begotten Son to be born of a virgin, do the Will of His Father by teaching, miracles, and healings, and to allow Himself to be falsely accused, tried, tortured, crucified, and buried.

The heavenly Father completed the intervention when He Resurrected His dead Son, revealed to Him to hundreds of witnesses, thirteen of whom wrote books about it, and took His resurrected Son Jesus back to heaven, again, in front of hundreds of eyewitnesses.

The story of the INTERVENTION destroys the myth A good God will not send good people to Hell.

The story of the INTERVENTION tells us... it was good people who brought about the Crucifixion.

It was His good friends that abandoned Him to His enemies.

It was good religious people that falsely tried  Jesus.

It was good heroic people that Crucified Jesus.

Are you a good person? Are you a friend of Jesus? Are you religious? Have you ever done or would like to do a heroic deed?

None of this will guarantee you a place in Heaven. 

If you believe the myth that A good God will not send good people to Hell, Hell is your destiny.

You have defined yourself as a good person. 

God does not define anyone as a good person. We have not listened to His Words. Not listening to His Words is why good people are headed to Hell.

Listen to God's Words. "There is none righteous, no, not one!"

"All we like sheep have gone astray!"

 "Our righteousness is as filthy rags!" 

"Why call me good? There is only one good, and that is God!"

Not listening to God's Words is why we die, and are headed for Eternal death. Adam and Eve disobeyed God's simple command, and chose knowledge rather an intimate friendship with God. For that, they brought death on all of mankind.

Listen to God's Word. Jesus said, "I am come that you might have abundant life."

Defining ourselves as good is not listening to God. Listen to Jesus as He says: "Two men prayed to God. One was openly religious, thankful, a giver, not an extortioner, or an adulterer. The other WAS an extortioner, who bowed his head humbly and privately and said God be merciful to me A SINNER! God heard his prayer!"

It is always appropriate to pray the prayer of the extortioner (tax collector or publican). Let's pray this together!! Lord be merciful to me- a sinner! 

When you agree with God that you are a sinner, you are listening to God, you don't believe the myth A good God will not send good people to Hell! and you have allowed God to INTERVENE or to SAVE you from a destiny of Hell, and put you on a path to Eternal life.

By agreeing with God that you're a sinner, you have turned or repented from your sinful, errant, destructive direction, and turned towards God, wanting to hear, to understand, to obey, TO LISTEN to God's Words, to seek Life, Eternal Life, from the source of All Life.

Call upon the Crucified and Resurrected Jesus to save you, and He will keep His Word, His Promise to save you, to give you Eternal Life, and you will become born again.

Keep listening to God's Word, my newborn brother or sister in Christ. Stay on the path by listening to His Words and I will meet you in Heaven.
