Don't be reluctant or too proud to supplement your income with a part time job or a small business. Your making money won't stop me from giving to you. I helped a man in Pakistan once and he was a millionaire that hit a rough patch. I believed in him and I believe in you. Do whatever it takes to survive and succeed as long as it's honest work.
I am called Mad Dog because I would do any job no matter how hot, dirty, or stressful, and I did this while raising a family, pastoring a church, and caring for a home. I've worked low paying jobs when that was all that was available.
I went from a large church to a small church out of necessity. I worked as a bi-vocational pastor, starting off with less than minimum wage, then stepping stoned my way up to a plant that made automotive wire that worked alot of overtime. Since other men wanted a break, I cross trained on every line everytime I had the chance. We had heavy medical bills because my late wife fought cancer for 15 years. God sustained me with His strenghth and taught me the great lesson of amazing grace.
Looking forward to working more with you in the future. God bless you with infinite grace, my young brother in Christ.
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