Thoughts About #specificprayer

Praying specifically can give God an opportunity to reveal His Power.
While attending Nazarene Bible College, my late wife Lynne once prayed for a specific list of requirements of a home to rent in Colorado Springs area, a list that I had devised as an obstacle to moving. The house had to have 220 volt wiring for an electric clothes dryer. (It takes 2 hours to dry a sock if your dryer is hooked up to 110 volts. Some of you are not old enough to have seen a house with 110 wiring.) The house must be carpeted. (Not popular in the 70's) Must have a fenced in yard. (We had dogs.) Sufficient wall sockets. And not one dollar more in rent. ($100 a month.) Lynne's requests were isolation and in the country. Imagine my dismay when a house exactly like that popped up in the Classifieds (remember Classifieds?) the next week.

Just how much carpet was in the house? Wall to wall in every room and in the closets!! How many electric wall sockets? On. Every. Wall. Why was the rent low? A rancher way, way out in the country (look at the pic with the Dittmers hitchhiking) who worked at a carpet outlet part time was offered a free house if he would move it, which he did for $4000. He totally redid the wiring, the walls, the ceilings and the floor. Frankly, I think the Lord set me up for this miracle, but I asked for it when I kept praying that He reveal Himself to me. Be careful what you ask for.
