Prayer and Awareness

True prayer is awareness. True awareness is protection. Awareness of what is true is the greatest protection. 

All truth starts with the Living and Written Word. 

The most powerful and purest Truth is revealed on the Cross and in the Resurrection.

Truth is love. If we do not love, we have not the Truth. We must speak the Truth in love. We must love the Truth.

God our Father is infinite capacity.  God is not restricted by time and space.

We children are infinite potential. We are restricted by time and space.

When we direct our lives, we limit our infinite potential. 

When the Father directs our lives, empowered by the Spirit, centered on the Son, He releases our infinite potential.

To serve the Father, we must be willing to lay down our lives for the children, as His Son did. We must become servants, shepherds, soldiers, fathers and mothers. 

Cursed is the man, the political party, the nation who harms the least of the children.

Love the children, and you will find the Truth. 

Find the Truth, and He will be set free. 

Find the Truth, and you will find Eternal Joy!

Mike Dittmer - Thinking Clearly
