Originally wrote this on 12/21/2011
See update at bottom of blog!
This conversation started out as just my observation, and turned into an interesting discussion between Barry Skalski, a family and Facebook friend and super geek.
Just saw a statistic that during the last three months twice as many smart phone purchasers bought an android device over an Apple iphone.
Don't read into this that this is a death knell for Apple. Apple fans are extremely loyal and Apple is highly profitable, leaving them a lot of cash to fight for market share.
What I have observed is that when 2 biggies fight it out, the newbie or little guy sometimes dies. Remember when two late night shows, David Letterman and Jay Leno started their battle, newbie Arsenio Hall died quickly.
From Barry Skalski: Blackberry is the one that is dead and just doesn't know it yet :)
Mike: Wasn't going to say that, but I agree. When I wrote that thought, I was wondering what you were thinking about this at the time. Thanks for letting me know.
Barry: There is NO doubt in my mind that is going to happen. Palm users are almost non-existent as well.
I was just at a techy meeting last week with about 100 people in the room. Question was asked "What do you use?" About 1/3 raised their hand for iPhone, about 50% raised for Android, 1 raised their hand for Palm, about 10 people for Blackberry.....not good if you are Palm or Blackberry fan.
Mike: Much thanks for that note. I'd like to include your comments in my blog, if that's okay.
Barry: Go for it. I agree with your blog post assessment about the FB changes....people will get on board with it. Wait till they see the next change coming (this week I think)
Mike: I'm looking forward to it.
Barry: Personally, from what I hear, it is going to Rock people's world! It sounds totally incredible!
It sounds totally awesome, basically, your complete auto-biography right before yours and everyone else's eyes. I think it is going to be amazing.
Mike: I agree, at least from my perspective as a journal person. It sounds like I'll be able to easily pull up my past posts through the time line feature.
I used to get twice as many hits to my blog from twitter than from Facebook. Now it's reversed and climbing.
Barry: I think that the more Facebook evolves, plus with the start up of Google+, I think Twitter will be less relevant. Probably will not go away, but definitely going to decline in users.
Mike: I do know this, between Facebook, Google and their blog, and Twitter, no other social and search sites can grab a foothold, other than Yahoo, and they're working with Google and Microsoft. I keep twitter because of 2 reasons. They make me edit, which gives my quotes a ton of punch, and they reach the poorest and smallest of markets, 3rd world countires, cheap cell phones, etc. which is what I want to do with the Parables.
Barry: I think Twitter will last because of how accessible it is, I just see it going more the way of "reporter" than "social".
Mike: Agreed. Their info capabilities rival Google search.
UPDATE: Interesting geek news about RIM, per our discussion that they wouldn't fare well in a battle between Google and Apple: RIM lost half it's cash reserve, down to 1.4 billion in ONE QUARTER, and took a half billion write down (paper loss) in one quarter because of Playbook, their smart tablet.
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