Please understand, friends, I am not trying to start a denominational or theological fracas, parsing over words. All I'm saying is, that when it comes to the miraculous, GOD CAN, FOR I HAVE SEEN IT WITH MY OWN EYES.
I am not standing alone in this. My late wife Lynne witnessed these events, but she's now gone to heaven. But enough living witnesses remain right here on Facebook for segments of stories that if I were to post all of their names on Facebook right now, Facebook would shut me down for spamming.
Read The Gift Parables.
I am not standing alone in this. My late wife Lynne witnessed these events, but she's now gone to heaven. But enough living witnesses remain right here on Facebook for segments of stories that if I were to post all of their names on Facebook right now, Facebook would shut me down for spamming.
Read The Gift Parables.
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