#Google #Analytics Does Not Tell Me The Color of Your PJs

For my paranoid friends, of whom I have quite a few, I have good news about Google Analytics. Google Analytics, a free service to Google bloggers on blogspot.com and blogger.com does not tell me the color of your PJs. In fact, it doesn't tell me any personal information whatsoever.

What it does tell me is what country my visitors to my blog are from, or even city, or what language they are using. Google provides language translation sites, and I have quite a few visitors from those sites. Neat.
A useful tool is the visitor flow chart, which shows what pages were viewed first, how many visitors went on to a second page, and all the way till the last visitor drops off.
What I learned is that the more pages you the visitor views the less likely you are to leave. By the fourth to sixth interaction, the drop offs dropped to zero.
I guess that means there are a half dozen of you folks that have never left my blog at all. You're just rattling around from page to page 24/7 with no inclination to leave and do something else whatsoever.
I never knew I was that interesting.
