Why is tweeting so important to me? 4 reasons.
1. Twitter is perhaps the best and fastest source of news and always will be. Google news and Google+ are powerful contenders as of this writing, but I suspect Twitter will remain the strongest because of it's ability to be used by cheap phones in all countries. Countries run by dictators will remain impoverished longer, making Twitter their champion for getting and receiving news. Fast, accurate, unstoppable news is the dictators worst nightmare.
2. Editing posts gives them power and often turns a statement into poetry. This is a more powerful motivation than most realize. Beauty and truth briefly stated has incredible drawing power.
I remember distinctly my first statement when I tried to summarize a sermon in 140 words or less for Twitter. (120 is better, 100 is best). The fact that I can easily remember it is a statement in itself.
What is left when SELF is CRUCUFIED!? All I have left is Jesus. It is enough.
The reaction I got and still get from posting that sermon turned poem convinced me forever of the value of severe editing, something Twitter forces me to do.
3. Twitter still has the most rapid moving timeline, making it difficult to over post. For the ambitious person with a message to promote and the time to do it, Twitter has higher short term potential for the person who doesn't mind doing the copy and paste routine.
4. There was a reason God gave me a mountain top revelation about Twitter, something He has only done for Twitter, and not for Facebook or Google. (Only God and Mark Zuckenburg understand Facebook. Some days only Mark understands.)
God spoke to me in a dream. He impressed on me the importance of counting characters and the design of phone SMS (texting) and how far it would reach. I woke up excited at 3 am, and woke up my new bride Mary about it, and how I felt like Nemo facing the evil agents in the movie The Matrix, where the walls expanded and the code that made up their life came down like rain, easily understood by the hero. Mary handled my frightening revelation heroicly!!
I had at that point 40 followers on Twitter, my zenith after one year of tweeting. A few months later I had 400. One year later I had 4000 and climbing. (find me on Twitter under revmaddog1948)
In conclusion, Twitter is important because the 160 character messaging phone is now dirt cheap and available to the poorest nations in quantity. The GOOD NEWS of JESUS will be preached AROUND THE WORLD!!
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