How To Understand Women

The Book of How to Understand Women: Volume I of a ten volume set.

There once was a biker who lived a godly life, well pleasing to the Lord, and the Lord decided to pay him a visit. "I've been pleased with you, and I've decided to grant you your hearts desire. Tell me what it is that you long for, and I will grant it.!"
"Well, Lord, you know how I've always wanted to go to Hawaii, but I don't want to fly or take a boat. I've always wanted to ride through the islands on my Harley. Could You build me a highway across the ocean so I could ride my baby to Honolulu?"
The Lord was quiet for a moment. "That would tie up a lot of resources, and many people would be involved. Is there anything else you have longed for that I could grant?"
The biker thought for just a second, then said, "Lord, You know I love my wife. She's precious to me, and I treat her like a queen, but sometimes I just don't understand her at all. Could You help me to understand women?"
Again the Lord was silent.
"Would you like that highway to be 2 lanes, or 4?!"

God actually can grant an understanding of women, although this understanding does not come easy. I tell a parable of this in The Angry Woman Parable .
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