Googleplus is winning on my blog url referrals, and winning big. Let me explain.
I formerly published 12 blogs, (I'm publishing 3 now) including my flagship blog The Shepherd's Heart Journal. I started posting from it in January 2010, and had 979 views. I posted my links often to Facebook and Twitter, and even repeated some postings, combining my links with my inspirational meditations and humorous observations. I was posting by the copy paste method. I posted so heavily Twitter and Facebook penalized me by either throttling my account or having me pass the weird writing test.
About half way through the year I began to observe the urls of the referring sites that was revealed to me through my membership in Google Analytics . I was noticing heavy referals by Google sites, though I was not an active member of Google Plus. Yay for Google Search !!
By the end of the year 2011 views had risen to over 5000 a month, with more than half of the referrals coming from non Facebook and Twitter referrals.
In 2012 I started posting on Google Plus off and on, and I also started using all 12 blogs. I switched to dynamic views soon after that, and noticed a dramatic rise in views. I also started to share my posts consistantly on Googleplus
Recently I have only sporadically posted from my flagship blog, and views have dropped. What's interesting is that views still continued from the referrals, even though I was posting very lightly.
Now here are the facts that should make every blogger switch to Google Plus immediately. Out of 2,690 views that came to my flagship blog, 95% came from Google sites, 5% came from Facebook, and none came from Twitter, even though I posted evenly to Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus to my other blogs.
My total blog views has gone from 6000 for all blogs in December to 15387 in April. I am seriously considering posting only Google Plus.
Recent observations show that Facebook and Twitter have gained in power since I originally wrote this post. But the power of Google Search is still unequaled.
In July, I still am not posting my flagship blog The Shepherd's Heart journal on social sites, but the views remain strong, with views as low as 125 but as high as 600 per day. Last month the amount of views was a new record for The Shepherd's Heart Journal. Each of the three blogs that I am authoring are experiencing record views. I attribute this to the power of Google Search and the rapidly strengthening Google Plus.
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