Google laughing, Oracle glum

A tech reporter said, after the Phase One jury departed in a hung verdict, that the Google table was laughing while The ORACLE table was grim.
The debate is over 9 lines of code out of 15 million that Oracle said Google was copying.
The real driving force of behind Oracle's lawsuit is it's overblown fear of Google. They evidently can't sleep at night because of nightmares that Google will put them out of business overnight with a cloud based business system that will cost businesses 1/2 to 1/10th the amount Oracle charges for provided the same service.
They need not worry. Their cash cow doesn't need protecting. There will be plenty of people willing to drop large amounts of cash for real hold-in-your-hand slick machines with plenty of beck-and-call hand-holding high paid service representatives who can deliver the words you want to hear. (These machines make you look so COOL!) Apple and Microsoft have already proved that.
Google will also survive and thrive for two reasons. One is that they operate on an old well-proved business paradigm: Let the advertisers fund the projects. Works for radio, TV, and sports.
The second reason is more subtle. Google is providing a means for the Gospel to reach around the world to places formerly unreachable. I am a preacher/businessman, a Samaritan helping others while I run my little internet business. My messages have reached into 124 countries, including supposedly closed countries. I know because Google analysis tells me so, for free.
I am convinced God will protect that channel so He can accomplish His purpose, to spread the good news of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of His Son THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.
If I'm right, no judge, or cabul of cash rich tech status-quo companies will be able to stop Google.
