#blogtips: Multiple personalities can help

Ever have your back arch up in fear when somebody teetering on the edge of sanity says to you, TRUST ME!? Get ready.
Trust me.
Personalities are built into everything. The shepherd boy/King who wrote songs that later were incorporated into the Holy Bible noted that rocks, trees, oceans, etcetera ad infinitum would praise God in the right circumstances.
This applies inwardly as well as outwardly. When I realized this, my hitherto unfathamable personality began to make sense.
One personality that I have had since early childhood is The Counter. He was extremely useful in my passion for music. He had to be released and encouraged. He was really useful when learning new music, and he's extremely useful now, especially in Twitter World, where posts have to be 140 characters or under. If you want your posts re-tweeted, they have to be under 120 characters. If you want to add a link and get them re-tweeted, they have to be under 100 characters.
Of course, strengthening and encouraging The Counter can have a down side that you have to live with. Every one else will be enjoying the hymn while I am going 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 loudly in my head.
Another personality, sort of a cousin, is The Editor. Cut this guy loose. People don't like to wade through mountains of words.
One day, in the year 2007, I had a crisis. Life was pressing in. I was preaching, working, taking care of an ailing, dying wife, and a home. I made a decision.
One of my personalities was The Preacher. He could look at anything and draw inspiration from it. From that inspiration would come a sermon, the traditional intro, 3 points, and a conclusion sermon. between 20 to 30 minutes long. I deeply wanted to shorten it. I had no idea God was preparing me for my blogging posting and micro posting future.
I brought the 2 personalities together, the preacher and the editor, and performed a shotgun wedding. I made them one.
They were not happy. I was very happy.
From then on, I preached one point sermons. Shortly after that, in 2008, The Parables were born. I also found the short format fit well in the internet world.
Later, in 2009 I entered the Twitter world. Here, both the editor and the counter felt right at home. As I cut and pared a thought, I noticed it often took on power, and would become a poem.
Hope this info is useful to you. One more reason the moniker revmadddog stuck.
