Political News on Pearl Harbor Day

News today: Rod Blagojevich, former Illinois State Governor, was sentenced to 14 years for corruption charges. He's the 2nd governor in a row to go to prison, and the 4th in 4 decades. It's ironic that in Illinois the nadir of morality has been Richard Daley.
Daley's saving graces are not his high ethical standards. Chicago city politics operate on a more savage plane than typical politics, hence the joke about Chicago's voting slogan: Vote Early. Vote Often. But Richard has a passionate love for his city. He broke all sorts of Federal Laws when he bulldozed MIGs airfield at midnight, because he rightly perceived that a downtown airport was an opportunity for terrorists. If Rod Blagojevich had that same love, he might have had a different fate.
Speaking of politics, today, December 7, Pearl Harbor Day is reminder that God has a guiding hand in the affairs of men. Because of pride, a blindness had settled on the hearts of American leadership leading up to the attack. But the same blindness had also settled on Japanese military leadership. Only Yamamoto, a most brilliant Japanese military mind, opposed going to war with the US. He was ordered to come up with the best plan anyway, and the attack on Pearl Harbor was the result. His words during the attack: I'm afraid ...we have awakened a sleeping giant.
God's hand was also upon MacArthur, who ruled the defeated Japanese so justly that he became their hero, and our deep friendship with Japan became possible.
I am including, with his permission, my Facebook friend John Whitelock's comments on my Facebook post, who accurately observes: the Japanese deified their emperor --- willing to literally sacrifice and die for his "glory" in the reknowned "Kamikaze" attacks thru-out the war... MacArthur was a committed Christian who Knew the significance of Japan's defeat... It cost him his career eventually, but his FIRST act and appeal in behalf of the defeated nation --- was to call upon America's churches to fill the spiritual vacuum in the Japanese heart... "... we have dethroned and defeated not just a man or a nation, but the god of this nation... what the Japanese NEED more than anything in this hour is prayer, missionaries, and Bibles ! They NEED to see the compassionate heart of the living Christ !"
