Sermon Notes; Introducing My Pastor

Pastor Alberta:
  • born and raised in New Jersey
  • undergraduate degree in pre-law from Rutgers-The State University
  • Married in 1969 to high school sweetheart Donna
  • began a career in banking and finance
  • A former atheist who received Jesus as Savior and Lord of his life in 1977
  • earned his Master of Divinity degree in 1982
  • completed his Doctor of Ministry degree in marriage and family counseling in 1989
  • Joining the Cornerstone staff in 1992 as Senior Pastor
  • resides with his wife in Brighton and
  • has four sons and seven grandchildren
  • enjoys reading (particularly history), playing golf, and carpentry
Mary and I worship at three churches, one of which is Brighton Michigan Cornerstone Evangelical Presbyterian Church  The church is located on 9455 Hilton Road, Brighton, Michigan
Their senior pastor is Dr. Alberta who spoke today. I've included a brief bio.
Today's message was about holiness. I took a few notes.
God wants His children, like any father, to be like Him.
In wax museums, wax artists spend thousands of hours studying the likeness of the person they wish to copy. We should be as passionate about mimicking our Heavenly Father.
When mimicking Christ, we naturally move to a list of do's and don'ts and then to legalism.
Questions: Why do people insist on making up rules? Why do they worry that salvation may be lost?
Answer: They don't believe in grace. They don't trust God to keep them.
Philippians 2:12-13 The New Living Testament (a translation) Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear.
In the Kingdom of Chocolate, the King loves chocolate, but all his subjects love black licorice. This could lead to serious conflicts. But what if the King could magically go into the bedroom of his subjects, and zap them with his wand so they would love chocolate? (Dr Alberta, if you haven't guessed, loves chocolate.)
We don't naturally love holiness, but God can transform our hearts with the Word of God to place a desire for God's Holiness in our heart.
Four keys to becoming holy:
4. To study God, study Jesus! Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.
