Why Good People go to Hell: A Report

It is obvious to me that there is a hunger to know about hell. My sermon, Why Good People Go to Hell, has been viewed 1870 times,  21 times as much as my most popular post.
I uses Google Analytics to analyze my blog, and one of the things I keep track of is how many searches are used to find the blog. A search for a subject that I have written about can mean that the person has heard of the subject I have written about from someone else and then did a Google search to find my blog by topic.
It was encouraging to me when I first starting having people do searches to find my blog. It meant that the word was spreading. I would get excited if 1 or 2 searches were done in a week.
Since I wrote the blog on Hell, a little over seven months ago, there have been 478 searches for hell on Google.
This topic may seem intellectual, but it reveals the terrifying and tragic truth that those friends of ours that reject the Lordship of Christ either openly or through indifference are headed for an eternity of infinitely expanding suffering.
One other thought. Most non Christians are apathetic to any revelation of the Word or the fear of the Lord, an awareness of God's Presence. But according to Solomon, they hunger to understand the nature of the spiritual heart.
It is not a coincidence that there is a hunger to hear about Hell and this same quality that Solomon mentioned. To understand about the tragedy of Hell is to understand the spiritual heart. The two truths go hand in hand.
For example, the heart has the ability to amplify an emotion, like a radio beacon. If that emotion is condemnation, which is all that will be left in Hell, imagine that message amplified to  and through infinity.
I am convinced that the unsaved world wants to hear about Hell, because it also helps them to understand about their biggest question. Why does the spiritual heart have an infinite yearning? 
That infinite yearning can only be filled with an Infinite Holy God.
