Parables and Proverbs Beginnings

Wonder how my unique "ministry" got started?
My parables were sermons first written before Lynne's death in October 2008, and then repeated and added to the following year. I wanted to tell the stories of the miracles God had orchestrated in my life without debating theology or promoting miracles. I also wanted to write shorter sermons because of the time pressures on me from working full time, pastoring a church, caring for Lynne, and trying to keep up my home. Out of this was born the Parables.
In April I joined a now defunct site,, started by Noel Richards (a sort of Bill Gaither type worship leader, musician, and music promoter) and other European worship leaders, and I put one of my parables on the journal section. Within 2 months my site had jumped to #7 in popularity out of thousands of profiles of some very popular European musicians. I was amazed and humbled.
While I was publishing the parables on Twitter in late 2009, I tried writing out my devotions in tweet form, less than 140 characters. There was little response at first. Then I wrote the words, simply for myself, What do I have left after I've crucified self? All I have left is Jesus. It is enough.  I was again surprised. Friends were blessed by my own thoughts to God and about God. Who knew?
When I first started on Twitter, for 6 months I had only 40 followers. After I started the devotionals, which I now call Proverbs, the following grew to 400, and now to over 4000. I never picture myself as a devotional writer. Yet here I am.
Now I am surprised again. Two months ago my brother-in-law Rev Mark Black inspired me by his example and conversations to write a sermon on hell. The response for the first 30 days was negligible, but in the second month something happened on the internet. Overnight it became the most read and sought after post I have written. I am averaging 50 inquiries a week on Google Search. I have had 500 views in 2 months, 5 times as many as my most popular post.
Before the sermon on hell, after I posted links to my blog, the views would rise, but within an hour would drop to zero. Now there are views on the blog constantly, 24/7, and the views of all my other blogs are rising. At last count there were over 11,000 views on the blog, with 58 countries checking in.
Muslim countries, Communist countries, Buddhist countries, countries under dictators are hearing the message of the Cross and salvation from an Eternal Hell. Also, people without computers are reading these blogs on their cell phones.
What I have learned in the last 5 years is the overriding sense that God is directing my steps. He's directing yours also. You just may not know it yet. All the credit for any good that I may be accomplishing goes to God. Any mistakes are my responsibility. Any help  given through your prayers, reposting, and encouragement has been and will be deeply appreciated.
God is good!
