So, I finally can watch Fox News, but my favorite news source is TBN. And of course I have a story about that.
But before I get to the story, let me tell you why I like TBN. First of all, they're covering the big situation, which is Israel and the conflict with Iran. Iran has embraced a suicidal ideology that is going to result and massive death and destruction for their people and that's because that's a doctrine from the devil himself who is also the king of suicides and eventually if I may speak a little prophetically someday after judgment when he sees all the deaths and destruction and devastation that he has caused, he will willingly walk himself to the lip of hell and fall in, because every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
So I told you about how efficient they are they just have a two-man crew to handle international news and I love that efficiency. Anybody that's frugal always gets my vote.
Now to the story. I met the founder of TBN. I was the youth pastor of Fullerton first Church of the Nazarene, pastored by Reverend Bob Leffel. Bob had hired me cuz he knew he was getting more than just a youth pastor. I am an amazing musician both locally and in my keyboard artistry not because of my talent but because God made me that way. The music minister was Duane Howard.
I really liked Dwayne and he also was our insurance agent but he kind of seemed to brag a little bit about everybody that he knew. Looking back on it I realize he did know everybody including the imperial quartet and Elvis Presley. With my help, Dwayne and I put together a church quartet and we were pretty good and because of that Dwayne made arrangements to go down to the headquarters of TBN and we got the sing on satellite TV actually it was a chain of television stations that the founders were purchasing just as fast as they could raise the money for it.
I don't remember if it was before or after when we sang, but the founder whose name escapes me right now came over and told us about his vision for expanding TBN and he had 17 stations at that time and he later purchased buco more.
Fast forward from the early 1970s to October 7th 2023. If you haven't figured this out yet I am a news junkie since I was in grade school and I started watching the news avidly if not rabidly. And to my surprise the best news source out of Israel was not the gigantic CBN on the East Coast but TBN which originated on the west coast. Instead of having the big table and a big staff they were getting all of their news from two guys year pinto that's where the p for his name anyway we'll we'll work that out later and another guy and they were right on top of the news all the time. The funny thing about these guys is they are Christians and Jewish and soldiers and now it is becoming evident why Israel is going to be christianized kind of like right now the world is being trumponized. God has a way of turning important people in his plan not ours into a weapon of God so much so that the people that godly people hang around will find themselves becoming godly too and this is now happening with Israel. Christians are rushing to the aid of Israel and United States because we who were founded on godly principles finds itself in alliance with Israel and also because America cannot stand a bully. I'm not talking about the psychological bullying that Trump does to defeat foes that try to defeat him. I'm talking about true blue head chopping stab you in the back bullies that are a danger to civilization.
So am I making a prediction? Nope. I'm just sharing my thoughts as I watch events unfold.
Later Gators.
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