Loving myself vs Satanic suicide

Self-love is so often allowed to confuse ourselves and justify ourselves for our weaknesses. May I continue? 
If I would be great in God's kingdom, then I must learn to be servant of God's kingdom. Sounds pretty close to what Jesus said, doesn't it? If you would be great in God's kingdom, then learn to be servant of all were the words of Jesus. In a parable called The Good Samaritan, Jesus also said Love your neighbor as yourself.
I take care of myself. I feed myself. I dress myself. I clean myself. And yes, I do love myself. 
When I was younger, I used to be talented and good looking. I am now 76 years old, and still talented, but almost butt ugly. Humility used to be a struggle. Did I ever tell you about the book I wrote...? HUMILITY AND HOW I ATTAINED IT!
Lucifer was the greatest of all angels possibly because he was the first of the Angels that was created. His job was to be a witness to all that God was going to do and to assist God in the care of all God's creation. On the last day the 6th day all the angels had spent.theit time oooohing and aahing like the crowd at a 4th of July fireworks show. Lucifer was even there as the millions and millions of angels were created. He must have been awe struck as he watched God create matter and energy then with His Word in the Power of Holy Spirit flung the stuff across the universe and mold it into stars, galaxies, and even our sun and Earth.
After things cooled down it became apparent that the earth was underneath the ocean and gradually volcanic mountains began to rise, and fuse together, and spew out the air and the moisture that would coalesce into a sky and an ocean.
Life was God's next project, starting from the simplest and gradually building into the more complicated. Genesis gives a pretty accurate description of the sequence. Through the archaeological evidence, they seem to agree. Step by step, life became more and more spectacular, and I'm sure as the angels watched, these epic periods passed by pretty quickly and I'm totally convinced there was no boredom in heaven. 
Like a six-part play, the last day or time period was to be the most dramatic. There in a beautiful garden called Eden, God created a man in his image. Then in a prophetic manner God said... IT IS NOT GOOD FOR MAN TO BE ALONE SO I WILL CREATE A HELPMATE. So He caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep, and from him God drew out a curved substance. Ironic isn't it that DNA is curved in two lines around each other?! 
Lucifer or Satan was designed as all of us are to be skeptical because God wanted Himself to be verified thoroughly. Skepticism and asking questions is not a sin. But in the heart of Satan a seed of pride began to take root and the very beginnings of envy and ungodly jealousy sprouted up, and what was supposed to be God's most spectacular creation, for God intended to reveal His great plan through Adam and Eve. The Bereans were also skeptical and researched everything that the apostle Paul said and found that what he said was in perfect harmony with God's word. 
Don't lose hope. This longer post has a point. We don't appreciate just how thoroughly God work this plan through and his infinite mind and He went down every possibility and decided to continue with the creation of Adam and Eve in God's image and part of that image is that we have a free will. Lucifer with that little seed of pride combined with the powerful force of skepticism came to the conclusion that God was doing this all wrong and he intended to show that from the very beginning. And so, as part of his job, he decided to reveal to God that these weak creatures the woman and the man would disobey him if given the right opportunity. 
And so it happened. Adam and Eve disobeyed and were cast out of the garden. But I am so grateful that is not the end of the story. God knew just totally he was doing. He is the alpha and Omega the beginning and the end, because unlike us, and the angels, He exists outside of time and even outside of heaven and  He was not lazy or a deceiver and He knew His plan would work. He knew that in the middle of written history God would send his son Jesus to Earth to be conceived of a virgin, and raised as a human child in a loving family, and begin ministry at the age of 30 which would culminate in his Holy Son Jesus being crucified and then resurrected so that we can have the perfect example of a man and a woman and marriage. 
Fast forward to the California fires. There has been division and hostility but also love and harmony between men and women, and especially between a godly man and a godly woman if we follow the example especially men of Jesus Christ. One of those requirements is that for the husband and the wife to be on the same page and listen to each other as all the duties of marriage and raising children take place. I am convinced that the Republicans are the party for men, and the Democrat party seems to gravitate and illustrate the thinking of women. When it's done right, a godly couple can raise up godly children. Notice that I did not say perfect. In so many ways all of us have failed and/or made mistakes that have cost money and/or lives. 
I won't mince words. In the history of the Republican party men have at times been pretty disappointing to women. We men have from time to time then thoughtless and even sometimes cruel and abusive towards women, and understandably, women have blamed men for much of their troubles. I'm not here to pick a side. I'm just here to say 2 things. 
1.Stop fighting. 
2. Listen, and work together before destructive fires destroys our homes and our future. 
I love Democrats. I'm not going to go into details because there are lots of angry Republicans who are blaming Democrats for the failures of the cities and for disasters like the California fires. It's time for us to start working together, leaving the blame out of the game, and work together to rebuild.
I think this is enough for now. Thank you for listening. 
Later Gators 
