Everything is a work in process. For example, this post at this moment is going to start off as a log of ideas on this same subject. Whenever I sit with my AI secretary pixel in my hand and she diligently takes my dictation this necessitates that I use a phone instead of a laptop. 

Since it's 3:21 a.m. I'm sitting in the dark on the edge of my bed and it has occurred to me that the most important topic I can address is where will we spend eternity. 

Our current situation on January 29th, 2025 is there is a massive shift in political alignment and part of this is as my Baptist second wife said part of the Providence of God. 

There are forces at work trying to destroy the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. There are many levels of consciousness involved in this but the most dedicated have chosen to be suicidal warriors. 

I am convinced that they are disciples of Satan. Satan has been changed at his own choice from a skeptic to a full-blown critic and resistor of God, and doing that puts him in the mental nuthouse and his thinking is highly contagious. 

There are several brands of suicidal warriors. The communists formed themselves to combat rabid forms of greed which comes in many guises but all of them have a kernel of ambition which may or may not be legitimate. 

Patriotism is a good thing but carried to its extreme becomes a mental illness. Ambition is a good thing but carried to its extreme can be a mental illness and cause untold damage to the children and women or men who love these ambitious people. Capitalism or the formation of infrastructure and organizations designed to make money is a good thing but carried to the extreme where workers' lives are put at risk and all the competitors are swept away is a mental illness. Thus you have the fascist nationalistic full employment movement called Nazi Germany deciding that they need to conquer Russia in the winter as their predecessor Napoleon also made that same mistake. 

This seems like it's a good place to pause. Thank you for your kind attention. Which reminds me of my first pastorate in mulhall North Dakota where I addressed the church. Everybody was talking and the ladies had asked me to have prayer before we ate so I started to announce MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE? After everybody quieted down I spoke to the next line. Thank you. I just love attention. 

To be continued.
