Asad Rafi, Micronox, Pakistan

 I've been friends with Asad on Facebook since 2009. He's a hard worker, which always impresses me. He's a businessman that loves Jesus. He wrote something that had such clarity I asked for permission to reprint it on my Journal.

Ngo wala business karna nai sekha sakta. period 

Reason : mangna wala hath Kamana nai sekha sakta 

For all those who couldn’t understand 

People running their NGOs cannot teach you how to become an entrepreneur or how to successfully conduct or start a business ( Period ) 

Reason: They are in a habit of asking and not earning, so an asked amount is never an earned amount despite they have lavish lifestyles. ( not that they have earned but silently requested their donors to donate ) 

Imp: Do not be fooled ask the Lord to give you wisdom and knowledge so you may can choose your direction and mentors wisely. 

Note: it’s not a public service message it’s a blatant truth.
