The dirtiest job I ever had!

Someone on Twitter asked about the dirties job I ever had:
14 ft tall. 14 total, 850 degrees, 110 on the floor, 100% humidity. Running strands of fiberglass and kevlar repeatedly through pans of black carbon powder liquid. I had black hands, face, hair, shoes. I wore black shorts and sleeveless T-shirts. I felt like Johnny Cash.
We made radio suppression conductive wire for the core of auto spark plug wires. We made millions and millions and millions of feet. Every. Month.
The company was first called Ristance. There was an assembly plant in Argos, a building for making silicone slabs and another much larger building for warehousing in Mishawaka. There was a third location for manufacturing spark plug wire that housed several buildings that manufactured both appliance wire and automotive wire. That was located in Bremen and all of the locations were in the state of Indiana. 
I almost retired from that factory. If I'd have made it till 20 years I would have gotten some kind of special recognition but Lynne had passed away, and I had met Mary online and I was anxious to get away from the commitment of factory work and while I was at it I tried to hold on to my pastor but I couldn't keep up two locations Michigan and US highway 6 between walkerton and lapaz. 
This was not only the dirtiest job, but the pressure to put wire at the door and of a quality that would not cause our customers to ship it back to us was immense. We had a ship rate on time of 95%, and the lady, Pamela, that was in charge of coordinating those constantly checked on us and if you violated any sequences you better have a good excuse. I likened us to sled dogs and they were fierce to work with and they would take a bite out of your ass if you started to slow down too much but it was very much a family and they took care of us wonderfully while Lynne was sick.
This will take some time to totally flesh out, so stay tuned. 
Later Gators.
