July 20, 2022 Check In

It's 9:45 am. I've  changed the bedding, put on 2 new super chucks, and helped Mary put on dry PJ bottoms. Chucks are disposable absorbent pads. When I'm done with them, I just "chuck" em.

I have a 10:30 am delivery from the meals on wheels delivery guy. Marshall County has excellent Senior Citizen services.

Last night I had a delivery from EZRun on a Walmart curbside pickup of groceries I ordered online. Because of that and meals on wheels I am able to avoid having a vehicle, which saves us several hundred dollars a month.

Had a delightful visit with my brother and pastor yesterday, along with his wife Julia. We shared coffee and news, and talked about end times. We all believe we're close to big changes coming soon.
