Today I woke up at 5:45 am. Since I am a lifelong night owl, my first sleep is 3 to 4 hours, followed by either a second sleep and/or power naps of an hour or more. The early summer time dawn hours wake both Mary and I up. This is a good time to change Mary's wet clothes and bedding.
I organized everything necessary for the change. I covered the bedroom chair with a puppy pad, and laid out fresh adult diapers. I turned the heat on because the wet clothes taken off cause Mary to be chilled. I have started putting her fresh PJs or bedclothes in the dryer to warm up. I turn the light on in the bathroom. I line up her drink of lemon lime pop along with a dash of lemon and cranberry juice and a 1/2 ounce of spiced liquor, with cloves, fever tree, and other helpful spices.
I escort Mary into the bathroom where she takes off her wet clothes and I put the warm pajama top on her right away. She comes back to the queen's chair and I help her get into underwear (diaper), pajama bottoms and slippers. I put the wet clothes in the washer filled with warm water, Lysol, detergent, and Oxyclean. I give her a dose of Pepto Bismol and a lorazapam to calm her tummy.
I keep up with the busy schedule of caring for Mary by using the example of the good samaritan. He ministered to the wounded man on the way of doing his business. He wasn't afraid of enlisting help from his innkeeper. I used the Good Samaritan Protocols. I organize, get momentum going, and communicate constantly. I break all my choirs and tasks into small parts and work continuosly on them every waking hour. i pray constantly asking God for wisdom moment by moment. I've always been very busy, pastoring, working jobs, working on the house, raising my family. God gave me a wonderful helper in my late wife Lynne. I like being busy. It keeps my restless mind engaged.
I will write more about Good Samaritan Protocols in a future post.
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