
Just As I Am

What is your favorite old hymn?

Beautiful Scripture in Samuel

Sad Day for Doctor Who Fans

The Love of God

A note to Elon Musk

He Could Have Called Ten Thousand Angels

Last Days, Perilous Times

The Words of Jesus

July 20, 2022 Check In

Permission slip

A Note to my daughter

Chuck Mate

Hoosier accent

How my mind works

If at first you don't succeed, try 26 times!!

Why Good People Go To Hell

My young brother in Christ.

July 8, 2022: Mary's Alzheimer's and Good Samaritan Protocols

The Battle Hymn of the Republic and a Sermon

Good Samaritan Protocols and Mary's Alzheimer's

May the 4th be with you. Yoda

July 4th Advice and Dynamite