The Devil's Forced Vacation

The Devil will soon be taking forced unpaid leave.

He will not get to choose the time.

He thinks he has God figured out, and he knows what God's weaknesses are.

He was God's right hand man from the beginning. He was a front observer of all the epochs of creation. He watched as God said that His greatest creation was next, and God created fallible man, then put Adam asleep and created Eve, the mother of all who were to come.

The devil compared these creatures to himself, and laughed. The devil was almost immortal, invincible, fast as light, brilliantly smart. He was certain God made a mistake. And he took it upon himself to reveal just how fallible Adam and Eve were by tripping them up himself.

He is convinced that the Heavenly Father is locked into His contract with the Devil. Even though he can read the contract, written in God's Word and spoken to him personally, he is convinced that he has plenty of time to accomplish his goal of persuading all of creation that strength is better than the beauty of weakness.

The beauty of weakness is found in the reflection of dust particles in a fading sunlight or the morning glory of a sunrise. This beauty is found in a child's smile, the precious care of the child by a mother from conception, through birth, nursing, child care, instruction, to independence.

The man, fallible though he is, adds his strength from courting, marriage, provision, protection, direction, giving his seed to the woman in a climax of love, then staying by her side, tag teaming the responsibilities, until their shared responsibilities are accomplished with a mature adult.

It doesn't always go to plan. Sometimes death, illness, or even unfaithfulness disrupt this pattern, but this is where grace kicks in. God has said: My strength is made perfect in your weakness. The path of the gentle shepherd.

Compare this to the devil's strategy. He is the big bully in the schoolyard, the mafia crime lord, the dictator with the strongest army. His golden t is: He who has the gold rules.

A forced vacation is coming for our enemy. He is facing a mandatory day of rest. And what's worse for him is that his legalistic mind can't comprehend how God looks at laws and Sabbaths. Man was not made for the Sabbath. The Sabbath was made for the race of man.

The hatred of the devil for God's creation runs so deep that left alone, he would murder all the children, all the women who bore them, all the Jews, all the Christians, and anybody who would give them aid. Nothing will be left.

But the heavenly Father is stepping in. Not even Jesus knows the timing. The Father is playing His cards pretty close to his vest.

The end is coming. Sooner rather than later. Be always ready. Keep your lamp filled with the oil of the Holy Spirit and your wicks trimmed.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

More later.
