I literally live one day at a time.
This started when my first wife was dying. I couldn't exist without a constant stream of worship and prayer to keep with all the responsibilities of Lynne, family, job, home, church. My to-do list was made up as I went.
The steps of a man are ordered by the Lord. That's every man, woman, and child, good and bad.
Taking care of my Alzheimer's stricken Mary, last night I was too tired to write, so I turned the lights off at 12:30 am. I laid down, but didn't sleep till 3;30 am. Mary's pattern is very close to mine. She laid next me talking quietly till 3 am, then fell asleep.
We both woke up at 7 because of the daylight pouring in our window. I helped her get out of her wet clothes and put dry clothes and a fresh pair of McKesson ultra heavy duty incontinence panties. I changed the top sheet and got my exercise in by lifting up the heavy mattress. I make Mary smile by saying ME STRONG LIKE BULL! SHOW OFF IN FRONT OF PRETTY WOMAN!
Because 3 1/2 hours of sleep is short of my goal of 9 hours, I will have to get 1 or 2 power naps in today, Lord willing.
Your prayers and encouraging words are deeply appreciated!
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