I am very impressed by this young man's ministry, even though we are separated by half a world, and I've only known him a few weeks.

I am impressed by the name of his ministry CHILDREN ARE LIGHT! I think it is harmony with the importance that  Jesus attached to children, when Jesus said the Kingdom is made of such as these. Jesus also said You (and by inference, children!) are the light of the world!

I am beginning to do deep research on Bangladesh, just as I did, starting 12 years ago, on another great nation, Pakistan. That journey started because I began a delightful friendship with another young man, Asad Rafi.

We in the US and other prosperous nations, such as France, Britain, Germany, and now even India, would do well to heed the advice of Solomon. Give a portion to 7 or 8, for we don't know what evil will fall on us. We may be the ones asking for help in a few months or years. The fall of Babylon is coming! Read Revelations!

I will update this post from time to time. Stay tuned. #maddog
