Mad Dog's Amazing Grace Project : Introduction

The following is an excerpt from my book, The Rain Parables, by Mike Dittmer, on Amazon.

"All my ministerial life, I have been frustrated with... follow up... lack of time... unskilled helpers... overwhelming multiple family problems in the lives of those around me, even when I had been a fulltime pastor. More training and more workers NEVER SEEMED TO BE ENOUGH! But now I understood what the answer was. I understood what the rain stood for.

The rain that God wanted me to pray for was GRACE!

All of this time I had thought that God was ignoring me! But I discovered He was leading me step by step on an incredible journey, an unbelievable journey, simple to teach me to not to rely on my skills, but instead to rely on Him, and to pray for grace." 

This incident explains why I feel compelled to work diligently on this project.

I will write more on this as time permits.
