In the Book of Job, Job's friends secretly think that Job must have done something wrong to deserve all the calamities that fell on him so spectacularly and dramatically. They were unaware of the big picture.
Our calamities happen, I think, because our Creator brags on us. Mostly. There is also our stupidity. And arrogance.
In THE beginning, even before Genesis, God created a menagerie of Eternal, Invincible Beings. Angels.
We can guess that God gave them the basics. Who He was, is and will be. Infinite. All powerful. All knowing. Alpha and Omega. That means He knows the ending because... He's already there!
They were to be witnesses to what God was going to do. And they were going to assist Him in His greatest project... us!
God spoke, "Let there be light!" And light exploded into existence. Spectacular!! Yada, yada all the way to the Garden of Eden. Then He made us.
Wait a minute! Sir, do you realize how weak these creatures are? Here, I'll show you. And Lucifer went down to Eden, started a whispering campaign against God (Hath God said?) and just as he thought, Adam and Eve fell. Hard. And the calamities began!
So, why did God do this? To show a better way.
If you would be great in God's Kingdom, learn to be servant of all.
There is great beauty in weakness, such as a baby. Or a sunset.
When trials come, God says "My grace is sufficient for you."
I suspect God has been bragging about me. Satan appears to be after me.
My name is William Michael Dittmer Jr. My father had polio. William Michael Dittmer the 3rd died in infancy. William Michael Daly also died an infant.
My youngest daughter Wendelyn (my late wife wisely intervened when I wanted to name her Willimina Michelle) had a tragic car accident. She should have died. Her mother's prayers intervened.
My first helpmate and strong right arm died of cancer too young. My second wife has early onset severe Alzheimer's. I am caring for her, with an immense amount of help and Hospice, even though I am now disabled.
And yet I am smiling, partly because I suspect God is using me to help others.
God, are you bragging about me again? Thank you for using me to upset your opponent and reveal how powerful your grace is.
God's most powerful moment was when His Son Jesus was at His weakest, dying on the cross.
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