Extreme Night Owl

After a lifetime of shift work, I remain an extreme night owl married to another night owl. I look at it as a gift. I can't sleep until everyone else (in this case Mary) is asleep. 
This was very useful when baby-sitting, chaperoning youth groups, staying in high crime areas, or anticipating practical jokers. Walking up quietly behind someone who is hiding in my room and me scaring the Bejesus out of them are treasured college memories. On the downside, I did not well in classrooms. Fortunately, I was always a speed reader with a high retention rate. I also listened while I slept, which frustrated teachers who tried to sneak up on me or ask me a question. My late wife said I was snoring when the teacher tried to surprise me with a question. I woke up, recited the question, answered it, then went back to sleep.
With low carb, and no caffeine, I can go to sleep after Mary does, which is early in our book, 2 am. Lately, I've sleeping 3 to 5 hours, then supplementing it with 3 to 5 power naps of half an hour. Mary likes to lay down with me and sometimes will sleep maybe 9 or more hours per day, which seems to help her. She has advanced Alzheimer's.  
Noting the pre-industrial hunter gatherer sleep efficiency rate of 81 to 86%, I may actually be doing better than that, so I am happy with it. It helps that I am retired. I am also unsafe to socialize with in the morning and I like it that way. #maddog #alzheimers #AwesomeGod
