My New #KJV #Bible

My new Bible. It has 12.5 print, large enough to see while standing, and NO extra references, printed on onion skin paper, (made from linen or flax fiber?) so that it remains portable even though it's the whole Bible.
It is, of course, King James Version. The KJ is OK. The KJV is OK for me. I believe the study of the KJV and the study of Shakespeare sharpens minds, similar to learning a foreign language. The best actors have studied Shakespeare.
The KJV is not the only version, but I think it conveys the Majesty of God as well as any version. There is no patent on King James version, so the Bibles are less expensive, and there is a treasure trove of Scripture songs in the KJV.
There was a joke on the chalkboard at Nazarene Bible College in Colorado Springs back during it's earliest days in the late 60's and early 70's. I was in the the third class. My Dad was in the 4th.
"The King James Version! If it was good enough for the Apostle Paul, it's good enough for me!" Permit me to point out the statement is historically inaccurate.
I also liked another joke on the NBC chalkboard that was anti Baptist, anti Catholic, anti Pentecostal and not edifying to the Body of Christ: JESUS WAS A NAZARENE!
May I mention one more from the ancient NBC chalkboard? I came in one morning to see this on the chalkboard: CAN ANY GOOD COME OUT OF KANSAS CITY? (a retake of the Scripture "Can any good come out of Bethlehem?" The Church of the Nazarene is headquartered in Kansas City)
#Nazarene #Shakespeare #NazareneBibleCollege #KansasCity
