The Truth No One Sees

Something that excites me greatly is when God reveals to me a gobsmacking Truth that no one around me can see, a Truth that is catalytic, it is a linchpin, it causes cascading, irreversible changes.
Be patient with me while I explain further. We have not seen this Truth because we have believed the lie of the enemy. We believe we are children of humanity, forged on the crucibles of reason and evolution, taught by science and history, led by experts.
We are not. We are children of the Heavenly Father, the Creator of all life, Redeemed from our deadly arrogant failures by the blood of His Son and our Savior on the Cross, where every one of Us had a hand in His death.
Let me finish, for I have not yet arrived at the gobsmacking Truth, but only taken you partially down the trail.
The Truth that has been overlooked is not only that we are children of the Heavenly Father, but His Spirit has been sent to lead us into ALL truth.
I have been quick to credit myself for my brilliance, but I clearly see now that God, through the Power of Spirit, has been showing me the melodiousness of music, the wonder of words, the nobility of knowledge, the coolness of craft. 
Go with me one more step. If this is true, that the Spirit is the Teacher, wouldn't it pay huge dividends if I carefully crafted my questions as prayers? and when I receive an insight that proves to be true, to also give God the credit? rather than pompously and arrogantly robbing God of the His just due.
Wonderful how this insight aligns with my mantra.
Be careful what you ask for.
We are like puppies, chasing dreams like moving cars, never stopping to consider: What will we do with it, when we get it?!
God is good. He's also smart. Trust Him to lead. God's got this.
Just one more thing. You and I are children of the Father, not mini gods in control of our tiny Universes. God has a Plan. My being perfect is not part of it.
