I'm in new territory on weight loss! 305 was my former set point. I weighed 298 today.
Observations: I never had a weight problem until after I retired.
I stopped gaining weight when I went to heavy cream in my coffee a few years? ago.
The heavy cream in my coffee allowed me to have an empty stomach, which encouraged me to run. I found out later this is called Intermittent Fasting. Hunger is greatly reduced.
I finally started to lose weight when I added Wakame seaweed to my evening regimen.
My evening meal is normal, MY NORMAL! It might be the double patty Baconator with Baconator fries from Wendy's, or 2 pieces of Extra Mostest Bestest Pizza from Little Caesar's, or fried chicken livers with mashed potatoes, extra gravy, turnip greens, and biscuits from Cracker Barrel. Added into my evening meal is Mary's leftovers (she makes me finish them!)
I also immensely enjoy salads, and salads allow me to feel more alert in the evening. But I don't lose weight on salads, and after the last episode of food poisoning, I'm cutting back to having salads on special occasions when eating out.
Further observations about fat burning metabolism:
In the last couple of years I accidentally switched myself over to a fat burning metabolism.
It is a very enjoyable state to be in. I can postpone eating to whatever time I choose. I do not wake up starving.
This happy accident occurred because, always loving heavy cream in my coffee, I decided to make heavy cream a part of my daily regimen.
Part of what aided that switch was the decision of Walmart, and later Kroger, to Ultra Pasteurize heavy cream. My frugal nature kept me from enjoying heavy cream in my coffee not only because it was expensive, but because it would so easily spoil. But heating the cream to 180 degrees rather than the normal 160 degrees made it much more stable in the refrigerator.
What also helped the switch was that Walmart charged half the price of Kroger.
The amount Kroger charges for cream is robbery, twice as much as Walmart! They basically get the cream for free by stripping the healthy fat out of the milk and selling the fat free milk to the fat free dip sticks for the same price as whole milk.
Now I'm glad to report that Mary is also switched over to a fat burning metabolism.
Her happy accident is possibly because of two changes. She takes an herb for her blood sugar called goat's rue. And when she wakes up, she has a piece of Adam Mathews New York style cheesecake, a low carb dessert that Mary has had for breakfast since she was out of the hospital. I can only get this at Walmart.
I know that she has switched over because she slept in today. It is now 5:30 in the afternoon, and she isn't hungry yet. Like the old me, for the last 7 years, Mary always woke up hungry.
Tough assignment for her, having Adam Mathews cheesecake every day when she wakes up.
God is so good. I thank him for lucky accidents.
Thought I was done with research and I would be able to write more, but small changes made to our regimens have had remarkable results.Mary's blood sugar appears to be improving. AND
I am losing weight.
Both of us were accidentally and rather painlessly switched to fat burning metabolisms.
Now I'm wondering if memory loss and brain damage can be halted and reversed. AND
If a life time of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, permanently worsened by a life saving bowel surgery, can be reversed.
Using a regimen is not a cure, since stopping the regimen would bring back the symptoms.
But the tediousness of the regimen would be far better than the alternative.
Will God allow me to discover this? We will see. He is a generous and loving God.
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