God has made my life into a living Parable, and your life also. I see this clearly. Some day God will give you this great gift of clarity also.
You can not be saved unless you can first clearly see that you are lost.
You can not receive Jesus as your Savior until you can clearly see that He, and only He, can save you.
Never underestimate the amount of trouble we can get ourselves into when we ignore God, and remain in stubborn, ignorant darkness.
Do not be ashamed or afraid of the Name of Jesus.
The Name of Jesus brings light.
The Name of Jesus defeats the Enemy.
Embrace the foolishness of preaching which brings the Name of Jesus and light to the worldly wise man who walks in ignorant, stubborn darkness.
Clarity, Threads of Grace, and Riding Shotgun With Jesus
You can not be saved unless you can first clearly see that you are lost.
You can not receive Jesus as your Savior until you can clearly see that He, and only He, can save you.
Never underestimate the amount of trouble we can get ourselves into when we ignore God, and remain in stubborn, ignorant darkness.
Do not be ashamed or afraid of the Name of Jesus.
The Name of Jesus brings light.
The Name of Jesus defeats the Enemy.
Embrace the foolishness of preaching which brings the Name of Jesus and light to the worldly wise man who walks in ignorant, stubborn darkness.
Clarity, Threads of Grace, and Riding Shotgun With Jesus
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