To Russia With Love and Maggie Thatcher

Believe it or not, not everybody in the world lives in America, and not everybody is on Facebook.
I have a blog that I have inconsistently and intermittently authored since 2010. I have been fickle with the name and finally came back to original The Shepherd's Journal.
I have decided to continue my efforts because of my audience. The majority are from other counties. The biggest number is from Russia, even on today's post.
During the Cold War, a surprising number of Russians came to deeply admire the Prime Minister of Britain, Maggie Thatcher, who's influence was at least partly responsible for bringing down THE WALL in Berlin. The Russian admiration for her ran so deep that Maggie Thatcher fan clubs sprang up across Russia.
I, too admired Maggie. I once told Lynne that if I was single, I would think of asking Maggie for a date. She said she wouldn't lose any sleep over my confession. 
I fell in love with Lynne the same way. I deeply admired her for 6 months and 15 days before I proposed.
Maybe, if God ever permits me to go to Russia, I will find REVMADDOG fan clubs in Russia.
God is good!
The young Maggie Thatcher, before she was Prime Minister of Britain.
This is the outfit Lynne was wearing when we first met. Geri Kile (Busch) was one of her best friends and was present when we met. We were both dating other people, but had a date 6 months later. I admired her deeply. 
