I have indecisively mulled over the my future book and current blog title for about two years now.
Now I am at peace. The new and hopefully final title is Riding Shotgun with Jesus and Clarity.
The problem was that I had two areas I wanted to cover. I wanted to include the many adventures I have enjoyed. But I also wanted to focus on insights God has given on homeschooling and evangelism and discipleship and leadership and grace... The list goes on and on.
God speaks to those who are unafraid to listen. To be honest, I have been timid about listening to God, but that was countered by a deep hunger to hear from Him and even to see His face.
About the title, I think God spoke a word to me around the time I contemplated writing and compiling a third large book.
The word was Clarity.
The gift of God I have appreciated greatly is clarity. Clarity about Jesus Christ and His Gift of Salvation is THE GREATEST GIFT! Without clarity, we stumble dangerously and blindly.
Light brings clarity, but so does vision. Light is useless if we don't have eyes that see. Seeing eyes can be blinded by an unwillingness to humbly admit the truth.
The words Riding Shotgun With Jesus came to me recently. These words allow me to focus on that part of me which I enjoy, telling stories, which brings me to this observation.
I am a preacher, but I can't preach without telling stories.
I am a story teller, but I can't tell stories without preaching.
To find my new blog type in any search engine: mikedittmerstoryteller.blogspot.com.
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