High Intensity Training, Intermittent Fasting, and Hugh Jackman

Interesting observations about running: Was it this spring? or last spring I gave up distance jogging and turned to High Intensity Training around my 1/6th mile cement circle around the condo pond and fountain. I start off with gentle slow jogging with high toe strike, which adds to the work load. There's a little incline around the first bend, which I try to take at tempo to increase the work load, then, as the sidewalk levels out I pick up the pace, again picking up the pace around the next turn and drop off. I try stretching my stride. I breathe in with two steps, out with two steps. Somewhere during this straightaway, my legs and arms start to go numb. During the last month or two, I have started to double the pace of breathing. Not surprisingly the numbness fades. I round the last corner, and both pick up the pace and length of stride.
Here is what is interesting: For a long time, several months, I would run to the last corner and stop. But lately I noted that my arms and legs were no longer tired, so I went around an extra corner and started my second lap, which has the long straightway.
Each day it seemed like I went further and further, and noticed I was still feeling good, until I was running the entire straight.
For the last two runs, I tried to see if I could tire my arms and legs by running faster each time. So far, I felt no fatigue. I haven't found my limit yet.
The other limitation to running is pain in my joints, which is why I switched to HIT training instead of jogging. I rarely have joint pain lately. Since the entire workout is less than two minutes, time is never an excuse. 
None of this is helping me lose weight, even though I only eat once or at the most twice a day. I once ate nothing but salads for 6 months, a fact that my friend Pablo Montez will verify, and did not lose any weight.
So I'm going to add walking. I started walking tonight, around the condo. I'll try to add more and longer workouts as I am able to fit them in. I will ask Mary each time. I'm sure in the future Mary will join me at times.
Another way to lose weight is to extend my fasting to a whole day, perhaps twice a week. I don't get hungry, as long as I'm busy, unless I sit down for a meal with someone. I have no idea at this point how I could work that out. I will mull and pray about it. By the way, Hugh Jackman practices intermittent fasting, but he also works out 2 and 1/2 hours a day. That ain't gonna happen with me.
