To-Do List vs Constant Prayer

A to-do list helps me. It also often frustrates me because in real life plans change.
I have removed the frustration and added joy by changing my to-do list into a PRAYER LIST.

Every time I am reminded of something that needs to be done, I am striving to add it to my prayer list for the day, written in one or two words for each item on a post it. Each item I need to do is an opportunity for prayer.
It also is an opportunity to thank God for my need, and to thank Him for His insight and guidance. On the picture I have put the initials P&T for Praise and Thanksgiving.
For larger projects I have already reached the conclusion that it is better to mull on big ideas for a while, especially if the project is a big change. Now, if I think it may be important to get started soon, I am going to write a one or two word description in a section called Meditate.
Working no longer becomes a distraction from prayer, but an opportunity for more prayer, and to enjoy the closeness of His Presence.
I have been doing this for some time, but today I started to use a post it note to carry with me. I will reflect on this at opportune moments, during commercial breaks, or moments where I check my cell phone. This small tweak is one more opportunity to thank the Lord, for He is the source of all Truth, and His Holy Spirit leads me into all Truth, even the small practical truths of guing my day.
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