#rmdo Diving Into Chicken Poop #humor

Busy day once I got up. Met a picker who took some of the stuff I couldn't sell at the last 10 or so garage sales. Burned a lot of unsellable stuff today. Went through another massive amount of pictures. Found one picture of Tim Dittmer age 4 or 5, Terry Eshelman age 2 or 3, Ted Dittmer age one or so, and myself sitting in the front of the tiny trailer in The Parable of The Story.
Found another picture of Tim age 2 and myself age 4 at Grandma and Grandpa Dittmer's farm in Southern Illinois. We were there for the summer while Terry was being born.
Tim probably doesn't remember this, but there was a huge pile of dried up chicken poop, which turns into a odorless light fluffy powder after it dries, underneath a perfect climbing tree. Tim, who was a pretty good climber for a little guy, and I took turns dropping out of the tree like super heroes into the pile for an hour or so before Grandma caught us. I never heard a woman grumble so much while she was scrubbing us down in the tin tub. #rmdo
