#rmdo THE STAIR MASTER #humor

Had an adventure today while cleaning out the basement with my cleaning crew, Abigail and Allie, my grand daughter, and my neighbor Jamie. We were cleaning the basement. Libby was upstairs organizing. She and Mary had finished cooking lunch.
I was halfway up the stairs with a 80 lb bag of trash when the stair broke. I fell on my butt with the bag on top of my head on the next stair, which also broke, with the bag still on top of my head. My first comment was OW!! several times, then I commented, "I don't think anything is broken."
Jamie took the bag off my head, then I, as the boss of the work crew, said We're done!
The house is clean. Mary and I are calling the moving sale done. Everyone did an outstanding job. Thank you, crew. 
My son in law, Charles Daly Jr, who gave me my internet moniker Rev Mad Dog, has a new nick name for me: THE STAIR MASTER
