#rmdo Flawed Research Bolster's #Apple in Failure

Flawed research and perspective allows Komtar Worldpanel Comtech to make the claim that Apple iOS has overtaken Android OS for dominance in the US.
The research is based on researcher Komtar calling a selected list of phone owners to see who is switching. This overlooks new customers.
The perspective is also flawed, because even if the Apple iOS has the majority of OS in the US, that dominance would be based on Apple been in a strong #1 position from the beginning, with Android recently passing them, and then Apple slipping back into the lead.
This research totally ignores the facts of the last quarter, that of the NEW phones shipped this quarter, Android trounced Apple almost 5 to 1, with nearly 75% of the share.
Komtars research measures Apple's share of OS from the beginning, a backward looking approach.
Another flawed fact floating around is the fact that Apple iPhone and iPad owners outshop Andoid owners.
That's because Apple's OS was designed around making money off of product sales, like carnival hucksters with a crowd of folks who already anted up a wad of dough to get in.
Google's Android, a free software system given to phone manufacturers, doesn't make money off the phone sale. Google makes money off the ads that run on the system, a time honored way of making money since the early day of radio and television.
Apple needs their ego boosted, since the former 1st place innovator is no longer in first place, and is no longer innovating. #rmdo
