#rmdo Denying God's Existence Denies God's Guidance

Agnostics and atheists are quick to blame the God they say doesn't exist for the suffering of the innocents.
They are angry at their non existent God for creating a dangerous world filled with predators, ignorant overseers of mankind, and capricious weather and environments that cause the suffering and deaths of children and other innocents.
The honest heart will agree that we all do this. The atheist and agnostic build it into their theology, but every heart has the tendency to react angrily at suffering, and to turn our collective backs on the Boss, thinking that will teach Him a lesson.
I can't deny the danger of our world, and I can't deny that God hasn't had a hand in the creation of this world. 
But let me remind you that God has never claimed to be the Creator of the Perfect World. If the world were perfect, you and I would not be in it. The honest heart will be quick to admit that much danger and suffering is self inflicted.
Turning our back on God, whether through casual indifference or angry denial, does not solve the problem of suffering. It worsens the suffering. It is historically the cause of our suffering.
True, God has created a dangerous world. But He has always offered to be a guide through that danger.
He even sent His Son Jesus to reveal His total commitment to us. We reacted with an angry denial of His Lordship, an anger so deep we collectively Crucified His only Son, our ultimate turning our back on God. 
Yet still the Love of God pursued us through the Resurrection of His Son, the offering of forgiveness and Salvation, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to all who would receive His Son.
Our society, and every individual, stands at a crossroad. We can deny God's existence. But when we deny God's existence, we also deny His guidance.
Or we can turn towards Him. #rmdo
